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What To Do If You or Someone You Love is Using Coded Sexist Language

As we move forward in the presidential election cycle, we are once again deluged with a flood of articles analyzing the race. We have many women running from across the country and that is phenomenal! Special shoutout to one of my former students who was just elected as the youngest Councilor-at-Large of her hometown! So, as we wade through this coverage, we are going to see lots of analytic pieces that are, let’s face it, filled with gender-coded language meant to cut women down. We will see it on the news, read it in print, and hear our beloved family members say it over turkey and stuffing in a few weeks. What do we do then when confronted by this? Well, I’ve got a plan for that.

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Real-life Advocating for Gender Equity

We haven’t posted a blog in this format before but there’s a first time for everything. This week, an open letter of sorts: an email. I (Lauren) actually sent this message to people I respect within an organization I value. There was a profound failure of leadership, but there is also opportunity for correction. My intent is for this to be a calling in, rather than a calling out.

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Surely Someone Must Have Had Second Thoughts About This

This week, I was going to write about outer space. There was an awesome all-female space walk and I was excited to write about why it took so long and how cool it was. But then, one of my dear friends sent me something from HuffPost. As I read it, my jaw dropping and my brain spinning, I knew that I had to share it with you and to ponder with you the same question that I always have when I read stories like this -- how in the world does this keep happening?

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