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Title IX Rollbacks are a “Bad Turn”

About a year and a half ago, we wrote that DeVos—left unchecked—was likely to undermine Title IX processes and definitions that were instituted to protect victims and encourage them to come forward. On May 6th, the current administration revised Title IX laws in several important and discouraging ways. Wendy Murphy, a professor of sexual violence law who sued DeVos in 2017, calls this revision “a bad turn”.

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So, What is the Plan Now?

If you are like me, you are trying to avoid a lot of the news around COVID-19 and the pandemic. This blog post, written on the heels of me learning that my state’s schools are closed for the rest of the academic year, deals not with the disease itself or the current state of affairs, but rather asks the question, “So, now what?”

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This Month in Gender Equity: April 2020

It may be helpful to preface this week’s blog by saying that we recognize the value of very strict parameters around media consumption, particularly when most media these days is heavy. COVID-19 continues to dominate headlines and consume our days and our energies and while the consequences of the virus are devastating everywhere, they will be disastrous for women. There’s no getting around that. We so appreciate the readers here. But if this isn’t the best thing for your mind and heart right now, we appreciate that too. Be well. We’ll be here next week.

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How to Continue to Support Women from Your Couch or Kitchen Table

Wow, what a 2020 we are off to. I’d love to say something affirming or comforting here, but I, probably much like you, have eaten way too many of my quarantine snacks already, while frantically trying to design engaging lessons from afar, as I contemplate my mortality and also whether I really need more pretzels. We are in scary times. I hope that you are being safe, staying home, and are able to convince your older parents that, no, they don’t need to go to the gym today. But even if you are home, hopefully watching Netflix, practicing some self-care and saving the world by social distancing, that doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your quest to support women. Here is a list of some ideas to help you stay engaged in the fight while making safe choices for you and your family.

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